Monday, January 4, 2010

My baby is growing up

I know it's not much for some but for me it's little things that make me realize just how fast my first born is growing up. He is six years old and growing so much every day. He is beginning to learn how to read and knows his alphabet, counts to 100, asks a million questions each day and now he knows how to make popcorn all by himself. And yes it was the learning how to make popcorn all by himself that almost made me cry. I still remember bringing him home from the hospital, walking up three flights of stairs and putting him in his bassinet for the first time. Oh where did my little itty bitty baby go :( I wish I could keep my babies young, selfish yes, realistic no LOL
On the other hand it makes me so excited to think of the man he will grow up to be one day. He's already listed off about ten things that he would like to be when he grows up. Fireman, police man, Dr, working in construction. Of course some of the things he listed were just hilarious, go figure I can't remember them right now.
Anywho, I'm realizing my baby is growing up and it's hitting me hard today. I'll just give him some extra cuddles when he's asleep tonight.