A few weeks ago the kids and I took a little trip to the local Medieval Fair. I think I may have had more fun then the kids since there was so much to take photos of and I don't let the kids go on carnival rides. I know I am such a mean mom but they scare me so no kids on carnival rides. I won't bombard you with all of the photos I took but I did want to share these beautiful birds they had there.
For more inspiring photos be sure to check out:
The Bonafide Life,
Better in Bulk,
From Dates to Diapers,
Not Your Momblog,
The Divine Miss Mommy,
Colorado Moms,
Rajean Blomquist,
High Impact Mom,
The Centsible Life,
Rachel Ferrucci,
Lil Kid Things,
Resourceful Mommy and
Zensible Mama and don't forget to link your own photo stories.