I can't believe I have been away so long from my blog! Let me just say, the sickies suck. First I got sick, then I was so nice as to share with my poor kids, then my husband and I'm still fighting whatever it is I got. Thank goodness it's not nearly as bad as it was three weeks ago but dang I would love it if this cough and congestion would go away.
So what have we been up to, other then being sick, um not much lol. I took the kids to McDonalds the other week after we were all feeling a bit better for some ice cream. Hey what's better then ice cream on a warm day!

After that we headed to the park. Thank goodness it wasn't the middle of summer because for some odd reason when they built this park apparently they didn't find trees/shade necessary. Hello, we live in the desert, but hey what do I know, I'm not some city planner, just a stay at home mom LOL I know everything who are we kidding ;) j/k But seriously I do think it was a big oversight on their part not to have any shade at a park. Just saying.
Other then that life has been same ole, same ole over here. Jr is in his last month of school. Actually today marks exactly one month left. I swear he was just born the other day, now here he is about to graduate from Kindergarten :( I so know I'm going to cry at their awards/graduation ceremony. All the kids are doing well. Sam is my girly girl who hoards every single toy car in the house LOL Shawn is a terror, I mean a wonderful, energetic, CURIOUS little man. I love it. The boy can drive me batty but he melts my heart at the same time. I love being a mother.